Need A life

Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Uncooked Lie about Baptism

To lead a life based on biblical faith is not easy. One of the main reasons is Bible has divisions like Old Testament, Gospels and Epistles. Gospels and Epistles are the two parts of New Testament.  When we read these three parts, there is a chance to feel, some times, that these three are contradicting one another; so we gradually come to confusion. Unfortunately, some people deliberately capitalize on this situation and mislead others for their personal gains or for fulfillment of their vested interests making many groups based on different points.

If we take everything from Old Testament literally, then we will have to take sword and will have to fight for a nation for believers. So is the case of Epistles, we will have to deviate from Gospels if we read and observe only Epistles. In nut shell, those who want to follow Jesus should move along Old Testament and Epistles centering and fixing well their lives in Gospels, means it is like drawing a circle with Gospels -Jesus- as center and other books as radius. If we often deviate from the center, then what we try to draw will not be a circle but something else. So, if we do not center in Gospels while we trying to imbibe truth from other books of Bible, we will not be leading a life of disciples of Jesus but something else.

Recently some people put forward an argument that baptizing should be in the name of Jesus only, not in the name of trinity. They got this idea from Epistles. In Epistles apostles, especially Peter on Pentecost day after his preaching, tell those who believed to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.  So the argument is this, in first century no apostles has baptized anyone in the name of trinity but only in the name of Jesus and baptizing in trinity is not right. These people draw an indefinite figure; it has no center, other wise it is not Jesus-centered. To know more we have to make a detail study about the fact.

First let us examine the verses they use to justify their arguments. Mark 16:16 (ESV2011) whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. Here Mark does not say to baptize specifically in ‘father, son and spirit’ (neither in ‘Jesus Christ’ that is another funny thing to that, in Acts 8, I am coming after explaining something that has priority).

Acts2:38 (ESV2011): And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit”. In these verses also there is no mentioning of trinity. Like this when we go through Epistles we can see that no apostles have suggested or mentioned to get baptized in ‘father, son and Holy Spirit’.

So the assumption is that in the first century there was no practice of baptizing in trinity. If we take this conclusion in to account we will face another dilemma. What is that? Look Acts chapter 8:  12” But when they believed Philip as he preached good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women”. Then come to Verse 38 to see mentioning of eunuch’s baptism. “38 And he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him”. What we have to understand here? Here in these two above mentioned baptisms neither the trinity nor the Christ have been mentioned, so don’t we need to baptize any one in the name of Jesus or in the name of trinity?  Or should we understand that according to the baptism given by Philip we have an option to form another Christian group? What is the fact?

OK, let us consider the baptism from its beginning. Which is the first known baptism?  It is John the Baptist’s. He is the first one who put the baptism in to practice. The baptism he administered was the baptism of repentance. Jesus also had gone through that baptism and in the time of Jesus this baptism was very popular. Look John 3:26  (ESV2011) ‘And they came to John and said to him, “Rabbi, he who was with you across the Jordan, to whom you bore witness—look, he is baptizing, and all are going to him.”  But after Jesus’ ascension the baptism is not the baptism of repentance. It has a quite different meaning and purpose. So to make clear, Jesus had to redefine the baptism and its administration to apostles. He did that according to Matthew 28:19 (ESV2011)”Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. From that moment onwards the administration of baptism is in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Whether we mention it simply ‘baptism’ as in the verses Acts 8:12 & 38 or ‘baptism in Christ’ as in the verse Acts 2:38, it doesn’t matter, administration is in trinity.

Now about the baptism apostles mentioned, it is the same Jesus mentioned. Why? As I mentioned above, in those days baptism was very popular, the baptism of repentance. So in first Church meeting on the Pentecost day Peter had to mention the baptism to be taken for salvation, and the same time he had to mention that was not the popularly known baptism but a baptism commanded by Jesus Christ. So he said in short “You should repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ”. If there had not been another well known baptism in those days, Peter would have needed only to say “repent and be baptized” because the only baptism that existed would have been the one Jesus advised.  When time passed away this Jesus-commanded baptism became popular, so at the time of Philip’s preaching in Samaria he needed only to mention as baptism, not as ‘baptism in Jesus’. Now we also say, simply ‘baptism’ not in Christ or in ‘father, son and holy spirit’. But it is the baptism that Jesus commanded to perform. Any way, whether it is known as simply ‘baptism’ or ‘baptism in Jesus’ it doesn’t mater the administration of baptism is in the name of trinity as Jesus Christ directed. Moreover, the method of baptism apostles performed has been explained no where in the epistles to conclude that they performed a baptism which was not in the name of ‘father, son and holy spirit’.   

Now, why should the baptism which apostles suggested be the same as that of the Jesus commanded as long as the trinity has not been mentioned by apostles in their epistles? To answer this question a best method is to ask another question. What is the meaning of apostles in Bible? Sure, messengers of Jesus Christ. If these apostles are messengers of Christ, which baptism they have to preach and practice? The one Jesus commanded them to perform, if they preach and perform another baptism they are not apostles of Jesus Christ and those who want to follow Jesus needn’t obey them.

In nut shell when we go through, when we read, apostles and prophets we have to stand firm in Jesus –in Gospels. Other wise any one will easily be mislead and exploited by the wolves in sheep-skins. So make sure we have a good stead in Gospels. Don’t be a ‘loin cloth on line’ because wind may blow ‘from’ different directions and ‘to’ different directions.