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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Mathew chapter 2 continue……………………

Mathew chapter 2 continue……………………
Herod and Jerusalem alarmed, why? Something happened according to the scriptures, that was the reason. From that moment onwards he began to devise strategies not to happen what had prophesied, means began to try to interfere in divine principles and become a superpower. The first attempt was to influence the wise men from east. He learned the exact time of the star appeared from them and afterward, by their help, tried to locate the place where Christ was born. His plan was to destroy the child. Nobody can be changed or nobody can adopt a life of truth by only knowing truth. Instead the knowledge can be used for destruction. We can teach anybody anything, but no guarantee is there that this will change them because personal changes begin from heart not from head. Herod tried to know truths from scriptures not to make change in him but to make changes in truth according to his perverted ideas and hardened heart. If we use a modern phrase, he was trying the “Reverse engineering” like the terrorists relay on now a days.
But those wise men were not led by Herod. They reached Bethlehem and worshiped baby Christ, and a vision warned them to take another route to their home land other than one that led to Herod’s palace. Their way diverted from that of the Herod. They worked according to their heart not according to the direction of Herod. The objective of Herod and the subjective of wise men were not inline. So the both way diverted from each other. The wise men were led by subjective conditions but Herod by objective conditions, they travelled in different ways. The wise men understood the objective conditions by their subjective state.
Joseph the husband of Marry also had a vision in his dream that warned him to take the baby and move to Egypt. Not the objective situation warned him but his subjective. Herod never led by such a subjective element but always by objectives. Herod never had a subjective foundation to stand on, so only objective facts drove him. Herod could understand that the wise men had tricked him. So he thought about next strategy. His objective thought led him to an evil plan; kill all the baby boys who were under two years. Look, he couldn’t consider the fact that among men subjective factors had been functioning; means the possibility of any kind of thoughts or emotions that might lead the baby and its parents out of Jerusalem. His work was always on objective environments. He misunderstood that by controlling objective environment everything could be controlled. We are also not different from Herod we always on objective environment, don’t consider the other side or the other pole that is indispensible. We devise many strategies, to achieve our intentions and goals, on objective environment, completely ignoring the subjective side. Herod killed all the baby boys in and around Bethlehem but he couldn’t achieve the result he thought about.

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