Need A life

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Mathew chapter four………..

Mathew chapter four………..
After the baptism Jesus got the new spirit and God declared him as his beloved son. What greatness! Usually these kinds of situations lead everyone to think evil. In the case of Jesus also there was no exemption; the spirit led him to be tempted. In that wilderness he fasted forty days and nights. After that, as usual, he felt hungry. What would be the intensity of hunger after forty days fasting? Severe! His priority could have been for his bread. Look, on one side the greatness of being the son of God and on the other side the pathetic condition of being hungry. Knowing this, devil very logically devised a strategy. He connected both situations directly and shot a sharp question to Jesus, “If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.”That was the first devilish challenge . What does the challenge mean? If he was the son of God, he should have changed the material situations according to the material requirements. Other ways, devil was trying to define the relation with God as the material existence and its requirements. But he answered in the same coin, “It is written,
‘Man shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”
What does this answer mean? Through this answer Jesus defined human life from spiritual perspective. He revealed the two dimensional peculiarity, or bi-polarity, of human life that quite different from that of animals - the material side and immaterial side. The answer is also a challenge, if it is man; he shall not live by bread alone but need something immaterial. A man needs something immaterial to live as man, the word of God – Principles or doctrine. This need is fulfilled by the relation with God. So if you are the son of God, in relation with God, you will be rich in this immaterial wealth. This is the meaning, in nut shell, that contains in the answer Jesus given. But devil very cleverly tried to connect the divinity with material aspects directly in order to destroy the two dimensional or bi-polar peculiarity of human life.
When devilish strategy failed to entice Jesus, he relied upon the strategy that Jesus had relied on. He quoted from Bible itself to mislead Jesus. He said after made him stand on the pinnacle of temple, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written,
“‘He will command his angels concerning you,’
“‘On their hands they will bear you up,
lest you strike your foot against a stone.’”
Look, even a devil can understand scripture and not only remain as devil but also he can use it to mislead anyone. I mentioned in my earlier post that understanding scripture is one thing and making change is another thing. Dark forces can use any principles and doctrines for their purpose, in an upside down way – ‘The reverse engineering’. In nut shell devil was trying to merge the two opposites to one instead consider them as two poles of the same truth.

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